Cheryl Fergison / Mr Bigstuff

Cheryl Fergison / Mr Bigstuff


Catch the fantastic CHERYL FERGISON as Julie in new Sky series MR BIGSTUFF with eps on Sky Max and Sky Showcase on Wednesday nights and all eps streaming on NOW.

The six-part comedy explores broken families, fragile masculinity and carpet sales. It tells the story of two estranged brothers; Glen a nervy perfectionist striving to live the suburban ideal and Lee an alpha male with a prescription drug addiction and biscuit tin full of his Dad’s ashes.

Glen and his fiancée share a perfect, perfectly mundane life together. Sure, Glen’s got crippling erectile dysfunction and Kirsty has a secret shoplifting habit, but they’re happy. That is until Lee comes crashing into their lives, whilst on the run from a past that’s quickly catching up with him. The trio are forced together: a perfectionist, a fantasist and an anarchist all living under the same roof in an Essex cul-de-sac. It’s not long before their ‘perfect’ lives start to unravel faster than a cheap carpet.