Wishing a fantastic opening night to the excellent ANDRINA CARROLL and all in THESE MAJESTIC CREATURES which opens at the Stephen Joseph Theatre 20 October – 4 November.
A whale has washed up in Scarborough, and Max has come back to see it – or at least that’s Max’s story and they’re sticking to it. Max’s mum Pam isn’t convinced.
Pam still runs the North Bay B&B that has been in the Vaughan family for generations, but Max’s return brings up memories that she doesn’t want to deal with, especially anything to do with Pam’s own mum, Edith.
Max wants Pam to listen when they’re talking. Pam wants to move on. And Edith? Well, we’re not talking about Edith.
These Majestic Creatures takes us back and forth between the past and present of the Vaughan family – relationships made of old photos, an inherited love of Strictly and insults that only a mother could throw. After all, nobody knows you like your family!