ITV1’s groundbreaking drama BUTTERFLY continues this weekend and audiences can see the brilliant KERRY PEERS playing Sheila, Maxine’s headteacher in Sunday the 21st October’s episode on ITV1 at 9pm.
Maxine attempts to mutilate herself, convincing her parents that she must be allowed to live openly as a girl. However, her grandmother is appalled by the development, while the doctors at the gender clinic take the view that she is not yet ready to undergo medical intervention. Lily feels neglected by her family, leading her into a situation she is not ready for. Vicky takes desperate measures, stealing money from the business to take Maxine to America, in the hope that help can be found there.
Wishing a terrific opening night to the wonderful KERRY PEERS in A CHRISTMAS CAROL at […]
Tune in to today’s DOCTORS on BBC1 today at 1.45pm to see the fantastic KERRY […]
We’re excited that from tonight, KERRY PEERS will be gracing the cobbles on CORONATION STREET, appearing […]
Opening tonight: KERRY PEERS in WAVE ME GOODBYE at Theatr Clywd 23 April – 4 […]
Brilliant new drama from LA Productions CLINK gets under way from tonight on Channel 5’s […]
A warm Amber welcome to KERRY PEERS who joins us! A hugely experienced actress on […]